The Healthy Communities Fellowship aims to transform health equity by centering the voices and experiences of BIPOC communities. Over the past five years, our fellows have engaged in over 650 hours of training and mentorship, published more than 30 impactful articles, and raised $6 million to support their innovative health initiatives.

Healthy Communities Five-Year Impact Report

This report highlights the remarkable achievements of our fellows, such as the work of alumni in improving maternal health, food security, and community wellness. It also showcases the dedication of our 2023 cohort in continuing to drive meaningful change in their communities.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to expanding our reach and fostering sustainability in both new and existing communities. The collective efforts of our fellows, partners, and supporters are paving the way for a healthier, more equitable future.

Explore the full impact of our journey and our vision for the next five years in the Healthy Communities Fellowship Five Year Impact Report.

Read the full report here.